BitRecover MBOX to Excel Converter

by BitRecover

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Use this amazing software to effortlessly convert MBOX to Excel and make your MBOX data accessible

BitRecover MBOX to Excel converter is a professional level tool that is efficiently designed to easily export MBOX emails to Excel. MBOX to Excel software effortlessly maintains all the essential details such as sender, receiver’s details, date, subject message body etc. BitRecover MBOX to Excel converter makes it easier for you to handle all your email data in bulk.
Email contains so much valuable data such as financial records, customer’s information, and transaction details. However, analyzing and managing emails that are stored in MBOX files format can be very challenging. If you convert MBOX file to Excel it enables you to organize, filter, and analyze email data more effectively. This tool offers you so many features that ease your conversion process. Let us know each and every feature of this all in one BitRecover MBOX Converter.

Amazing Features of BitRecover MBOX to Excel Converter

Batch MBOX to Excel Conversion
BitRecover MBOX to Excel converter offers you to upload files into the software panel without facing any problems. You get to choose from two options to upload your MBOX data. First is Select Files where you can upload your multiple MBOX files into the software. Second option is Select Folders where you can easily upload multiple folders consisting of multiple MBOX files. This feature effortlessly lets you batch convert MBOX to Excel.
Convert MBOX file to Excel Selectively
Once you have uploaded all your MBOX data files and folders into the software panel. This tool allows you to select and remove any of your MBOX files that are unnecessarily added into the software panel. You can easily remove all those files and this leads to effortless and selectively conversion. This amazing MBOX to Excel software allows you to preview all your files and folders accurately.
Maintains MBOX Folder Structure
MBOX to Excel software is capable enough to well maintain all the properties and structure of your MBOX data while you export MBOX emails to Excel. This tool guarantees you no change in data and properties of email such as subject, cc, bcc, from, message body and effortlessly maintains the data credibility. This tool effortlessly keeps and maintains the folder structure of all your data files exactly the same. This tool does not let your data get lost or corrupted. All your data will be exactly the same as it was earlier before the conversion actually started.
Save MBOX Files in Same Source Folder
You can easily save your resultant data if you want to save it in the same source folder as per your requirement. This is one of the best features offered by this solution to easily manage your resultant data once it is saved in that particular source folder. It becomes very convenient if you save your resultant data to that old folder itself. You can easily relocate your file and you will easily get it.
Multiple Naming Options
BitRecover MBOX to Excel converter offers you to rename your resultant data as per your needs and requirements. This tool offers you some predefined file naming options which are made with the components and properties of your email data. It is the combination of the date, subject, year, month, time etc. this is one of the best features of this amazing tool which offers you to easily manage your data and you can easily access your resultant data whenever you want to.
Standalone Solution
This is an amazing solution to effortlessly convert MBOX file to Excel. This tool is capable enough to convert MBOX to Excel completely all by itself. It does not need any support from any of the software or supporting applications to convert MBOX file to Excel. This is a standalone tool which works effortlessly to complete this solution. You don’t even need to install any of the supporting email clients while the conversion is in process.

Reasons to choose BitRecover MBOX to Excel Converter

  • This MBOX to Excel software is 100% safe and secure to complete this task easily.
  • This tool can be used by individuals, businesses or organizations to manage their MBOX data in bulk very easily.
  • You can explore endless benefits of this wonderful MBOX to Excel software.
  • This tool generates a detailed log report file to preview all the process of the conversion.
  • You can easily convert all type of MBOX files into Excel file format as per your preferences.

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