學術研發績效追蹤解決方案 (Academic Research Dashboard)
by 智域國際股份有限公司
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MAG Scholar Tracing Dashboard offers users to follow up on academic papers.
此服務提供客戶透過視覺化儀表板直接查看學術研發近況,針對客戶申請的需求提供不同面相可能是學術研究機構、可能是學術研究領域進行相對應的追蹤,客戶可以從報表中發覺其中的需要的學術資訊,從中 發展出更多不同面向的研究或是更了解學界、業界發展的近期狀態。This service provides customers with a visual of the latest developments in academic research and development through the visualized dashboard.
It is possible that different aspects of their needs can be traced by academic research institutes, or can be traced by academic information on their needs can be found in their reports.
Customers can develop more research in different directions or understand the recent state of development in academia and the industry. This application is available in Chinese.
Customers can develop more research in different directions or understand the recent state of development in academia and the industry. This application is available in Chinese.
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