Woodpecker Legal Document Automation

by Woodpecker

(11 ratings)

Cut your legal document prep time in half by standardizing and automating frequently used documents.

Tired of searching through a legal pleading for the previous plaintiff's name just to update it with a NEW plaintiff's name? Inevitably followed by the need to update the address, court information, and the date. Oh and, don't forget to make sure all the new information is in the right format! Sounds like a nightmare...

Say goodbye to manual, time-consuming, and error-prone legal document preparation processes; say hello to Woodpecker Legal Document Automation. Woodpecker's information standardization allows you to effortlessly reuse your most important legal documents without ever leaving Word.

Woodpecker perks:

  • Eliminate mistakes by standardizing your legal documents.
  • Save time and money by ridding yourself and your team of manual work.
  • Eliminate legal document prep by automating manual search-and-replace processes.
  • Share and collaborate on your standardized documents with your team.
  • Create a secure Woodpecker account to keep track of all your documents and settings.

Goodbye legal document prep. Hello Woodpecker!

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can read and make changes to your document
  • Can send data over the Internet

At a glance