Advance US Metropolitan Data Map

by Garden City Consultants

(1 ratings)

A detailed US metropolitan area map by state to visualize the data in text, marker, color heatmap


Advance US Metropolitan Data Map Add-In can visualize US Metropolitan data of US states into a heat-map.

Advance US Metropolitan Data Map has three display modes:

  • Region: the color heat-map can visualize 1 data series.

  • Marker: visualize up to 2 data series (2 data columns) by using the marker color and size.

  • Text: visualize up to 2 data series (2 data columns) by using the text color and size.

The add-in provides 2 data types in the setting window. The data type option tells the map engine how to generate the sample data and translate the data in the spreadsheet. The sample data contains all the Metropolitan areas in the selected state with random data sample for demonstration.

To build own data, the user can replace the value with own data or delete the rows (MSAs regions) not needed.

The user can customize the column titles. However, please keep the format of the data unchanged. The data format is: Code, Province, Value1, Value2 in order.

This add-in provides the customized options for user to draw the data map. In the Color Axis settings, the user can adjust the colors for the min, mid and max values by clicking the color box.

The user can specify the value range for the color in the heat-map. For example, if there are outliers not needed in the data, the user can check the "Define Color Range Values" check box and enter a min value and max value mapping to the min color and max color. The data outside the defined value range is colored in the min color and max color.

The Size Axis settings only apply to the Marker and Text display mode. The user can define the Market Size value range by clicking the "Define Markers Size Values" check box and enter a min value and a max value.


  • Customizable colors and mapping values.

  • Customizable marker and text size.

  • 3 map display modes and support up to 2 data series.

  • Mouse over the map to view the data detail in the tool-tips.

  • Easy to use and user friendly. Sample data can be the template to build own data.

  • Interactive Chart: the chart is binding to the data table in the sheet, the map is updating when the data is entering the sheet.


  • Download this add-in and start Excel 2013 SP1 or later.

  • Select a display mode in the display drop-down.

  • Select a state in the state drop-down.

  • Select a data type in the drop-down and click insert sample data button.

  • Update the value columns with own data as needed.

  • Rename the map title by clicking in the title area and reenter the name as preferred.

  • By default, all the data in the spreadsheet are rendered in the color map. If there are outliers in the data not needed, the user can check the "Define Color Value Range" check box and enter max value and min value in the color axis setting or the size axis setting as needed.

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can read and make changes to your document
  • Can send data over the Internet

At a glance