Secured2 Beyond Encryption - Secure Email

by Secured2 Corporation

(17 ratings)

Hacker proof your email!

Are you looking for a better way to secure your data in Outlook, or Office 365?

Secured2 is a revolutionary new approach to securing your emails and attachments in Outlook 2016, or Office 365. This software goes beyond encryption as a means to secure by using a patented process that 'shrinks > shreds > secures > restores' your data. Making it impossible for anyone but the intended party to access your emails & attachments.

Secured2 is the perfect platform that blends hacker-proof security with the ease of use that even a computer novice can understand. From the one click simplicity of securing an email to the fast, non-technical way we allow recipients of email to unlock the email. This easy to use platform makes security easy, fast and accessible to anyone.

Secured2 Beyond Encryption includes all the following:

• Easy 1 click way to secure your email and attachment in Outlook, or Office 365

• A security solution that goes beyond encryption and prevents unauthorized access to email

• The ability to securely communicate back & forth. So your emails being sent and received are secured using the same beyond encryption technology.

• Deep integration with Outlook so you are not disrupted by annoying steps, processes, account creation and key management systems like other email security platforms.

• The outgoing email from your inbox to the email recipient can be customized with your companies branding and message. Full email customization is available by calling support at: 612-756-7099 or

Don’t take our word for how great this platform is see our reviews or simply try it out for FREE. Customers love it and for those wanting true email security this platform is it!

To learn more about our solution please visit our website: or see our interview with the Chief Evangelist at Microsoft:

Please Note – Secured2 works best in the new Microsoft Edge Browser but we do support older versions of Windows Explorer.

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can send data over the Internet
  • This app can access and modify personal information in the active message, such as the body, subject, sender, recipients, and attachment information. It may send this data to a third-party service. Other items in your mailbox can’t be read or modified.

At a glance