Range Tracker

by Strive Technology Inc.

Track, review, show formulas, and compare ranges anywhere in workbook without leaving current sheet.

Range Tracker saves you time working in Excel. Using Range Tracker you can track, review, show formulas, and compare ranges anywhere in your Excel workbook without leaving the sheet you are working on currently.

A personal list of Tracked Ranges provides you with quick access to important parts of your workbook. You can use Tracked Ranges to navigate around the workbook, analyze cell contents and formulas, and evaluate data changes based on input values changing in the workbook.

The Live Tracking feature follows your current selection in the workbook and dynamically shows the formulas of the currently selected cells and/or the values of cells with the same range address in other sheets.

Use Range Tracker in combination with the Compare and Merge Add-In to be even more productive. Compare and Merge has a powerful compare feature and you can optionally merge the results of the ranges being compared.

Benefits of using Range Tracker:

  • Create Tracked Ranges to save views of data from anywhere in the workbook and viewable from anywhere in the workbook
  • Easily navigate the workbook using the Tracked Range name link to instantly jump to the ranges
  • Review data in other sheets without leaving the current sheet
  • Watch data changes in other sheets as you change input values in the current sheet -- what-if scenarios
  • Compare the cells of a Tracked Range to your currently selected cells in the sheet
  • Show formulas of ranges in other sheets for reference or to copy / paste to the current sheet
  • View named ranges in the workbook and quickly jump to the named range via hyperlink or add a Tracked Range from a named range to keep a permanent link
  • Use Live Tracking to dynamically show cell formulas as you change your selection in the workbook
  • Use Live Tracking to view and compare the same cell range in other sheets as your selection in the current sheet
  • Create Tracked Ranges of lookup information -- tax schedules, growth estimates, due dates, etc. -- for quick access from anywhere in the workbook
  • View data in hidden columns/rows or in narrow columns where data is clipped in the sheet

NOTE: The following features are only available in Excel 2016 and Excel Online.

- Show Formulas

- Compare Ranges

- Named Range Viewing and Linking

- Live Tracking

To learn more visit or use the "Free Trial" button to try Range Tracker today.

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can read and make changes to your document
  • Can send data over the Internet

At a glance