sp-formly Form Builder(Beta)

by JoeZhou

(2 ratings)

sp-formly Form Builder is an InfoPath alternative to build form in an WYSIWYG drag&drop builder.

(app update note: if you are installing this app for the first time, please ignore this note. If you are updating this app to the new version,your published lists will not be updated. You can publish your form to a new list or delete the original list then publish again. )

sp-formly Builder is an InfoPath alternative to build form in an WYSIWYG drag&drop enviroment. It is built with angular-formly framework and other JavaScript open source frameworks. No host server required.

Current features are:

1. drag & drop form builder

2. suport nested repeat section and layout

3. support business rule expression with angular-formly

4. support publish the custom form to a SharePoint list and replace its default new/edit/display form with your own custom form

5. support push form values into list fields.

6. people picker, attachment upload, taxonomy field

7. style customization with CSS class

8. multiple designs and list support

This product is in BETA stage. I am collecting feedback and public interest before I devote more time to develop this free App.Please let me know your feedback so I can continue improve it. You can do that by click the "Contact us" link on top of the page. Your interests in this product will motivate me to further develop this free App. I am also available for hire if you want to bring this product into your organization and/or willing to sponsor the development of it!

This product was developed for SharePoint 2007 originally to replace InfoPath. What you see here is the enhanced old code ported an a SharePoint 2013/Online App.The framework works in SharePoint 2007 and 2010 as well.

At a glance