TPG TeamManager App
by The Project Group Informationstechnologie GmbH
Bridges the gap between project- and resource managers. Works best with free TPG TeamLink App.
TPG TeamManager App enables resource managers to plan absences, non-project work (line activities) and commitments for projects. Configurable traffic light colors display the utilization status for each resource and the commitment status for each project in a time phased table.
Resources capacities come from Project Server resource pool. Absences and line activities are entered manually by Resource Managers to get the real project availability of all team members. Project requests come from Project Server, where data is taken from Project Plan or Resource Plan according to the utilization settings in Resource Plan. Resource Managers assign team members to the requested projects and commit work within their real availability.
Resource Managers publish their commitments to project sites, so Project Managers see with free TPG TeamLink App which resources they got. Total numbers and status of teams can also be published to a parent team site to build cascading team reporting.
Add TPG TeamManager App in separate subsites of PWA per Team. Grant Resource Managers the global permission 'Access Project Server Reporting Service', to be allowed to read timephased data from Project Server reporting database. Resources of teams are filtered by RBS (Resource Breakdown Structure).
Does not run on IE 8 or 9.