Infowise Connected Lookup Column

by Infowise Solutions Ltd

(1 ratings)

Enhances built-in lookups with cascading filtering, adding new items on-the-fly and much more


NOTE: this add-in is NOT free. Register for a free 30-day trial when you first run the add-in. Satisfied? Purchase a license directly from within the add-in.


Supercharge your regular lookup columns with these great new features:

  • Cascading relationships - filter child lookup values according to the selected parent value with unlimited cascading levels
  • Add new values on the fly without leaving the form and losing your data
  • Filter and sort your available values by view
  • Easily create cross-site lookups
  • Single selection and multiple selection lookups supported
  • Apply additional filter to find values more easily
  • Convert to and from built-in lookups without losing data
  • Create new connected lookups or convert your existing ones


This SharePoint add-in works in conjunction with another add-in, which is only available from the provider. This requires installation on your environment outside of the Microsoft Office Store processes due the level of required permissions. A tenant administrator will need to deploy this specific add-in to the tenant manually, so that it can be installed to your environment. When add-ins are installed outside of the Microsoft Office Store, they may bypass any, and all, safety and security checks provided by Microsoft.

If you have not done so already, it is recommended that you establish contact with the provider before proceeding with installation. Consider trying this add-in on a separate SharePoint Tenancy before installing it on your primary SharePoint site(s).

Find the add-in and additional information here:


At a glance