Split by Picking Area


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Simple splitting of your picks to different picking areas within one location

Do you have a warehouse with different picking areas and want to easily display them in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central? You also want to create separate picking areas for these areas?

With the App „Split Pick by Picking Area“ from KUMAVISION, different picking areas within a warehouse location can be defined individually at storage bin level. If picking is triggered, the app creates picking lists according to these areas. For each picking area you will get a separate picking list. Prerequisite for using the app is a two-staged logistics consisting with shipping and picking as well as working without a “controlled warehouse”.


  • Optimization of your picking processes

  • Simple definition of different picking areas

  • Transparency by combining several picking lists in one delivery note


  • Example for small and big items: In your warehouse, small items are picked manually, and big items are picked with a forklift. You will now receive separate picking lists for both small and big items, but your customer will receive only one delivery receipt.
  • Example for various warehouses: Your main warehouse consists of various warehouses. With our app you will receive a picking list for each warehouse - instead of a single overall list as before.

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More Information on Split by Picking Area App

App Pricing

Free 30-day trial period
After that, the use of the app costs € 365 plus VAT per year and environment.

Target Group

Companies in production and trade with two-stage issue logistics process (shipping and picking) and non-controlled warehouse.

About Us

This app is an official product of the cooperation between KUMAVISION (DE, AT, CH) and EOS Solutions (IT). Together, the two companies form one of the world's leading providers of business solutions based on Microsoft Dynamics. Click here for more information about KUMAVISION.
Supported Editions
This app supports the Essential and Premium editions of Business Central
Supported Countries
Supported Languages
Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish

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