Fiscality for BC

by Amathan GmbH

Enables the legally compliant fiscalization of sales documents.

Fiscalization of Business Central Invoices

The fiscalization of invoices in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is a crucial process to comply with legal requirements for securing and tracking business transactions. This process ensures that all sales receipts are tamper-proof and traceable according to legal standards.

1. Integration with Fiskaltrust

Business Central can be integrated with Fiskaltrust to ensure the fiscalization of sales processes. Fiskaltrust provides an API that allows direct access to payment terminals without the need for individual certification. This facilitates compliance with cash register regulations and enables receipts to be settled with multiple payment methods.

2. Extensions for POS

In addition to integrating fiscalization into Business Central, the solution also offers extensions towards Point of Sale (POS). This means that not only all standard sales processes in Business Central can be fiscalized, but Business Central also becomes a entry POS solution that meets legal requirements.

3. Tamper Protection

A key aspect of fiscalization is tamper protection for cash registers. This is ensured through a license-free interface and worry-free packages from Fiskaltrust. These solutions operate across Europe, allowing the fiscalization solution to be used in various countries such as Austria, Germany, Poland, Greece, and Spain. At the moment we offer fiscalization for Austria, more countries will be added in the near future.

4. Benefits of Fiscalization

The fiscalization of invoices in Business Central offers several benefits:

  • Legal Compliance: Ensuring adherence to legal regulations.
  • Security: Protection against tampering and fraud.
  • Efficiency: Automation and simplification of the sales process.
  • Flexibility: Support for multiple payment methods and integration with payment terminals.

At a glance