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Consulting services results for Manufacturing & Mobility
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Get Started with Viva Topics: 3 Day WorkshopCognizantThis workshop will provide details about what Viva Topics brings to the table for an Enhanced Employee Experience
Applicable to:
Knowledge & Insights
Teams Custom Solutions
Workplace Analytics
1 out of 60
Microsoft Viva - 1 Day WorkshopBamboo Technologies LimitedTo make the employee experience your competitive advantage with Modern Work solutions, Bamboo offers a one-day workshop to provides an overview of Viva suite and see how Viva helps your organization.
Applicable to:
Knowledge & Insights
Workplace Analytics
2 out of 60
Power Platform & AI for business: 2-day workshopReplyCluster Reply provides a 2-day workshop to learn how to use AI models in low-code business applications developed in Power Platform: the aim is to automate and simplify your business processes.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
3 out of 60
1-Day Envisioning Workshop - Microsoft XDRwater IT Security GmbHIn product dedicated sessions we will explain the different pieces of Microsoft XDR product families and show the unique value add as solution but also as security platform in the bigger picture.
Applicable to:
Cloud Security
Identity & Access Management
Threat Protection
4 out of 60
VIVA Learning: 5-Days ImplementationGLOBAL BRANDSLearn How to empower your employees with this center for learning in Microsoft 365. Help them discover and share professional training resources across your organization, and track their progress.
Applicable to:
Knowledge & Insights
5 out of 60
pmOne PowerBI Advanced Data Shaping: 8-Hr WorkshoppmOne AGThis 1-day course covers how to use Power BI Desktop to import and shape data from a variety of different sources.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
6 out of 60
Dynamics 365 Sales kennenlernen: 2-Hr BriefingproMX AG*Ein kostenloses und unverbindliches Webinar, um Funktionalität und Möglichkeiten der Vertriebsautomatisierungs-Lösung Dynamics 365 Sales kennenzulernen. *
Applicable to:
7 out of 60
Managed Secure WorkplaceSwiss IT Security Deutschland GmbHMit dem Managed Secure Workplace stellen wir Ihnen und Ihren Mitarbeitern eine mobile und sicherer Arbeitsumgebung inklusive Verwaltung der Geräte zur Verfügung.
Applicable to:
Device Deployment & Management
Mobile Device Management
8 out of 60
IT Security Assessment: 1 Day, AssessmentAll for One Group SEMit der IT-Sicherheitsanalyse alles zum gegenwärtigen Zustand erfahren, ihn bewerten, konkrete Handlungsfelder aufzeigen und geeignete Maßnahmen für mehr Sicherheit finden.
Applicable to:
Compliance Advisory Services
Identity & Access Management
Information Protection & Governance
9 out of 60
Dynamics 365 für Software-Häuser: 2-hr BriefingproMX AGEin kostenloses Briefing für Software-Häuser, wie sie mit Microsoft Dynamics 365 ihre eigenen Prozesse optimieren und das Potenzial der digitalen Transformation nutzen können.
Applicable to:
Project Service Automation
10 out of 60
MODUS M365 Quick Start for BC: 4-Hr ImplementationMODUS Consult GmbHSchnelle Einrichtung von Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central für alle relevanten Geschäftsprozesse.
Applicable to:
Business Central
11 out of 60
Teamwork 360° 4-day Assessmentdatac Kommunikationssysteme GmbHWie eine 360° Lösung mit Microsoft Teams in einem Unternehmen konkret umgesetzt werden kann, wird Schritt für Schritt in diesem Assessment erarbeitet.
Applicable to:
Calling for Microsoft Teams
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
Teamwork Deployment
12 out of 60
Broadcast 365 | 3 Days | Design & ImplementationInSys AGImplementierung und Onboarding von Broadcast 365
Applicable to:
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
Microsoft 365 Live Events
Teamwork Deployment
13 out of 60
MODUS M365 NAV to Dynamics 365: 2-Day WorkshopMODUS Consult GmbHNAV to Dynamics 365-Workshop für Ihre zukunftsstarke IT-Infrastruktur
Applicable to:
Business Central
14 out of 60
OKWelcome: 3-Day ImplementationObjektkultur Software GmbHDigital visitor registration system
Applicable to:
Power Apps
15 out of 60
Center of Excellence: 5-Tages WorkshopFellowmind Germany GmbHErfahren Sie, wie Sie Innovationen und Verbesserungen vorantreiben und als zentrale Funktion mit dem Center of Excellence organisatorische Silos aufbrechen können.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
16 out of 60
D365 for Manufacturers: ImplementationBIRLESIK UZMANLARImplementation of Dynamics 365 Finance & Supply Chain Management for Process and Discrete Manufacturers
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
17 out of 60
Modern Work and Collaboration: 6-Hr WorkshopIntegrated Solutions Sp. z o.o.Modern Work and Collaboration workshop is dedicated to all Customers who need to choose a proper strategy connected with digital transformation especially in the collaboration and communication area.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Calling for Microsoft Teams
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
18 out of 60
SharePoint Online Initial Implementationknowmad moodThe goal of the service is to create a first SharePoint site for a designated pilot department
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Knowledge & Insights
Teamwork Deployment
Power BI: Dashboard in a Day (1-tägiger Workshop)ORAYLIS GmbHSie erhalten Einblicke in die wichtigsten Funktionen von Power BI und erfahren, wie Sie Daten zusammenführen, vereinfachen, Berichte und Dashboards erstellen und mobil auf Ihre Daten zugreifen.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
20 out of 60
PowerBI Basics: 6-Hr WorkshopInsideAx GmbHBei diesem Workshop lernen Sie die Grundlagen von Power BI kennen. Danach können Sie bereits selbst einfache Reports und Dashboards erstellen können.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
21 out of 60
Microsoft Viva Connections Consultancy - 1 Day PoCCC Bilgi TeknolojileriCompany-branded experience that brings together relevant news, conversations, and resources in the apps and devices you use every day.
Applicable to:
Knowledge & Insights
22 out of 60
Power Plattform meets UX: 4 Wochen ImplementierungBright Skies GmbHDigitalisieren Sie Ihre Business-Prozesse und Workflows mit Power Platform meets UX
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Power Platform for Teams
Teams Custom Solutions
23 out of 60
Project Manufacturing: 1-Day AssessmentCOSMO CONSULTSupports your daily handling of complex projects to achieve higher quality and transparency
Applicable to:
Business Central
24 out of 60
Catalyst Envision: 6-Hours WorkshopStrategic IT GmbHIn diesem Workshop werden Sie zusammen mit unseren Expert*innen zunächst den aktuellen Stand Ihres Unternehmens definieren und anschließend den gewünschten Soll-Zustand ermitteln und visualisieren.
Applicable to:
Customer Service
25 out of 60
Digital Twins Enablement 2-Wk AssessmentSappienceThe “Digital Twins” concept and technology are more applicable than ever in the Asset Management domain
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
26 out of 60
Business Central Manufacturing: 1-Day WorkshopBusiness Systemhaus AGGet ready for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central with our experienced consultants.
Applicable to:
Business Central
27 out of 60
Business Central Production: 1-Day WorkshopBusiness Systemhaus AGGet ready for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central with our experienced Consultants.
Applicable to:
Business Central
28 out of 60
Yolva Equipment: 2 Week Proof of ConceptООО "Кедва"Create a prototype of a sales automation and after-sales service solution tailored to your business needs
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
29 out of 60
Yolva Field Service: 10-Wk ImplementationООО "Кедва"Create a pilot project to automate the work of the field service, with the ability to plan, manage and monitor the activities of your staff.
Applicable to:
Field Service
Power BI apps
30 out of 60
Dyn 365 ERP Migration: 6-Wk AssessmentGMCS VerexMigration to Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations for customers of previous versions of Microsoft Dynamics AX
Applicable to:
Supply Chain Management
31 out of 60
Power BI Dashboard in a Day: 1-Day WorkshopDevoteam Alegri GmbHPower BI: Dashboard in a Day Workshop by Devoteam MCloud is a one-day hands-on workshop for business analysts covering the full feature set of Power BI.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
32 out of 60
Digital Marketing DSGVO Paket: 8-Tages LösungsangebotFellowmind Germany GmbHIntelligentes Marketing ist automatisiert, DSGVO-konform, pflegt mehr Leads und verbessert das Erlebnis während der gesamten Customer Journey.
Applicable to:
33 out of 60
Power Platform-Journey: 8WK WorkshopDevoteam Alegri GmbHA pragmatic Power Platform adoption
Applicable to:
Power Automate
34 out of 60
Power BI Adoption Journey: 6-WK Proof of ConceptDevoteam Alegri GmbHThe Power Bi Adoption Journey consists of four distinct steps. Envisioning, On Boarding, Advanced Workshops and Proof of Concept.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
35 out of 60
pmOne PowerBI Advanced Visualization: 8Hr WorkshoppmOne AGThis 1-day training will cover the Power BI report layouts and structure the agile process to create Power BI data visualizations.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
36 out of 60
agilesWorkflow 2 Tage WorkshopApteanDiese zweitägige Einweisung durch unsere erfahrenen Berater unterstützt Sie bei der Einrichtung der Grundeinstellungen der agilesWorkflow App für Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Applicable to:
Business Central
37 out of 60
Business Central & WinLIMS: 1-Hr AssessmentNew Technology ResearchTake the first step for a seamless integration. Get a full assessment of an integration of Business Central & WinLIMS.
Applicable to:
Business Central
38 out of 60
Power Platform Implementation: 1-hour BriefingEnterprisecloudPower Platform, unifying and centralising your data across silos so that you can use it to drive growth and boost revenue.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
39 out of 60
IB BUILDING 365: Evaluación 3 horasIBERMATICA SAN SEBASTIANA través de este servicio de consultoría descubra como IB Building 365 ofrece en una plataforma de Construcción 4.0 que integra todos los datos para gestionar el ciclo de vida de una Obra.
Applicable to:
Business Central
40 out of 60
Enable your Remote Workforce-10 day implementationVelradaSupporting remotework in challenging times
Applicable to:
Power Apps
41 out of 60
Remotely Assisting workers w/Mixed Reality-3Wk POCVelradaEnable and enhance your front line staff with Velrada's Dynamics 365 Remote Assist and Mixed Reality POC
Applicable to:
Mixed Reality
42 out of 60
Business Central Performance: 8-Hr WorkshopMAC IT-Solutions GmbHIn two 4 hour online workshops, we can analyse and identify your performance issue with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central on-premises.
Applicable to:
Business Central
43 out of 60
'Veni,vidi,vici' package: 10-Day Proof of Concept EBIS SP. Z.O.O.10-Day 'veni, vidi, vici' package to conquer Power BI and improve your data experience!
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
44 out of 60
Veni,vidi,vici' package: 10-Day Proof of Concept EBIS SP. Z.O.O.10-Day 'veni, vidi, vici' package to conquer Microsoft Power BI and improve your data experience!
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
45 out of 60
Sales Data in Power BI: 5-Day Proof of ConceptEBIS SP. Z.O.O.EBIS Microsoft Power BI experts will model and visualize your own sales data in a rapid 5-day engagement. After the implementation you will have production-ready Power BI reports and dashboards.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
46 out of 60
Dynamics 365 Business Central: 2-Hr AssessmentQualysoft Informatikai Zártkörűen Működő RészvénytársaságThrough our 2 hour assessment, we ask the right questions to determine if Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is the best fit for your company.
Applicable to:
Business Central
47 out of 60
Dynamics 365 Performance Audit: 2-Wk AssessmentANEGIS sp. z o.o.A comprehensive process and architectural audit to ensure your Microsoft Dynamics 365 system is running optimally to increase user adoption and efficiency.
Applicable to:
48 out of 60
Dynamics 365 Project Recovery: 2-Wk Assessment ANEGIS sp. z o.o.A full analysis of your business processes and system architecture to deliver a roadmap that gets you back on the right track.
Applicable to:
49 out of 60
Dynamics 365 Field Service Fit: 2-Day WorkshopAudius GmbHThe 2-day ServiceCheck workshop is a service, unique to the market, that optimizes your field service. We support you in shaping your service processes, so they are more effective and future proof.
Applicable to:
Field Service
50 out of 60
Dynamics 365 UnifiedOps Programming: 1-Wk WorkshopANEGIS sp. z o.o.Intensive training for developers of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
51 out of 60
Dynamics 365 UnifiedOps Upgrade: 2-Wk AssessmentANEGIS sp. z o.o.An in-depth review of your Dynamics deployment to deliver an upgrade roadmap to Microsoft Dynamics 365.
Applicable to:
52 out of 60
Social Media Analytics: 2-tägiger WorkshopORAYLIS GmbHSocial Media Analytics als zentrale Reporting-Lösung, auf der Daten von beliebig vielen Social-Media-Plattformen zusammengeführt analysiert werden können - the application is available in German
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
53 out of 60
Dynamics 365 Business Central: 1-Hr AssessmentMindQuad Solutions Private LimitedDuring this free assessment we will provide a conclusion about the compatibility of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central with your business need.
Applicable to:
Business Central
54 out of 60
Business Central Upgrade: 4-Hr AssessmentMindQuad Solutions Private LimitedWith this assessment our technology expert will guide you to the right path to upgrade from NAV versions like 3.7, 5.0, 2009, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Applicable to:
Business Central
55 out of 60
E-commerce with Dynamics 365: 1-Hr Briefingdc AGGet a free online demonstration of our e-commerce software and talk about your project with our experts. See what a fully integrated solution looks like within just 45 minutes.
Applicable to:
Business Central
56 out of 60
Strategic E-Commerce Project: 1-Day Workshopdc AGWorkshop for your B2B or B2C webshop driven by Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Applicable to:
Business Central
57 out of 60
Embedded Analytics: 2-tägiger WorkshopORAYLIS GmbHEmbedded Analytics Workshop zur nahtlosen Einbindung hoch performanter Power-BI-Berichte in Business-Applikationen und Websites. This application is available in German.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
58 out of 60
Strategic Workshop Online Mktg: 1-Day Workshopdc AGIndividual Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central workshop for online marketing by our marketing experts. (onsite or remote).
Applicable to:
Business Central
59 out of 60
SOFT4 IFRS 16/ AASB 16 MIDI: 10-Day ImplementationSOFT480 hours of SOFT4Lessee set-up services for lease
Applicable to:
Business Central
60 out of 60