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Consulting services results for Professional Services
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Customer Voice -1 Hour AssessmentDynamics EdgeDynamics 365 Customer Voice Free 1 hour Assessment
Applicable to:
Customer Voice
1 out of 60
Google Workspace to Microsoft 365 Migration: 3 - Week ImplementationStar Knowledge Ventures, LLPStreamline your organization's migration to Microsoft 365 with our expert services. Enjoy a smooth and secure transition, unlocking the full power of cloud-based productivity tools.
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Knowledge & Insights
Teams Custom Solutions
2 out of 60
Consultancy for Microsoft 365IMPERIUM DYNAMICS LLCEmpowering Your Business with Expert Microsoft 365 Guidance
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
3 out of 60
Business Central development: 2 Hours AssesmentDSVC Business Solutions Co. Ltd.Discuss your customization requirements for Dynamics 365 Business Central with our Senior Consultant in this 2-hour assessment session and get an estimated timeline and cost.
Applicable to:
Business Central
4 out of 60
Neway Hosted Direct Routing - 1 week POCNeWay Technologies LtdLearn how to use direct routing phone system calling services on Microsoft Teams. The solution provides outbound and inbound calls from all Teams devices.
Applicable to:
Calling for Microsoft Teams
Meeting Rooms for Microsoft Teams
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
5 out of 60
Power Platform Architecture: 10-Day AssessmentTEAM CANDIAre you planning to transform your organization with Power Platform? You need for guidance and best practices for planning and delivering Power Apps projects?
Our Assessment will determine your goals.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
6 out of 60
Data Migration Strategy for Power BI: 2-Week workshopMAQ SoftwareWorried about data loss during Power BI migration? Strategize your data migration with expert guidance in our workshop
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
7 out of 60
Onboarding App: 1-Tag Standard-Implementierungadesso SEMit der OnboardingApp den optimalen virtuellen Job-Einstieg erleben
Applicable to:
Power Apps
8 out of 60
Managed Secure WorkplaceSwiss IT Security Deutschland GmbHMit dem Managed Secure Workplace stellen wir Ihnen und Ihren Mitarbeitern eine mobile und sicherer Arbeitsumgebung inklusive Verwaltung der Geräte zur Verfügung.
Applicable to:
Device Deployment & Management
Mobile Device Management
9 out of 60
Power Platform Development — 4-Hour AssessmentObjectivity Sp. z o.oWould you like to learn how Power Platform can benefit your company and empower your teams? Our Power Platform Development — 4-hour Assessment will help you find the right solution for your business.
Applicable to:
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
10 out of 60
Protection des périphériques - 4-Week ImplementionEXAKIS NELITEAssurer la sécurisation des périphériques puisqu’ils sont une porte d’entrée du système d’information pour les attaquants.
Applicable to:
Identity & Access Management
Mobile Device Management
Threat Protection
11 out of 60
Dynamics 365 für Software-Häuser: 2-hr BriefingproMX AGEin kostenloses Briefing für Software-Häuser, wie sie mit Microsoft Dynamics 365 ihre eigenen Prozesse optimieren und das Potenzial der digitalen Transformation nutzen können.
Applicable to:
Project Service Automation
12 out of 60
Sécurisation des identités - 3-Week ImplementationEXAKIS NELITEAssurer la sécurisation des identités puisqu’elles sont la porte d’entrée du système d’information pour les attaquants.
Applicable to:
Cloud Security
Identity & Access Management
Threat Protection
13 out of 60
ORBIS Envisioning Construction: 2-Hrs BriefingORBIS SELet's work together to find solutions and ideas that add real value to your business. We bring our experience and your knowledge together to forge success.
Applicable to:
14 out of 60
MDM Service - Unified Endpoint Management: 1-Week ImplementationMobinergyWe are specialized for solution and services to enable End Point Management and provide Device Mgmt.
Applicable to:
Device Deployment & Management
15 out of 60
Mobile Device Management Paket - 3 Tage Impl.aConTech GmbHMit dem Mobile Device Management Paket stellen wir für Sie innerhalb weniger Tage einen Geräte und standortunabhängigen Zugriff auf Ihre Unternehmensdaten sicher.
Applicable to:
Device Deployment & Management
Identity & Access Management
Mobile Device Management
16 out of 60
Conditional Access Paket - 3 Tage Implement.aConTech GmbHMit Conditional Access definieren wir Richtlinien, die beim Zugriff auf Ihre Cloudumgebung sowie Geräte erfüllt werden müssen. Für einen sicheren Zugriff auf Ihre Microsoft 365 Ressourcen.
Applicable to:
Device Deployment & Management
Identity & Access Management
Mobile Device Management
17 out of 60
Cloud Telefonie - 3 Tage ImplementierungaConTech GmbHRichten Sie Cloud Telefonie - Cloud PBX & PSTN Calling - mit Microsoft 365 Services ein.
Applicable to:
Calling for Microsoft Teams
18 out of 60
GDPR compliant - 2 days assessmentaConTech GmbHSie erhalten ein GDPR Assessment, um die Compliance mit Microsoft Cloud Produkten in Ihrem Unternehmen sicherzustellen. aConTech stellt hierfür ein umfangreiches Set praxiserprobter Pakete bereit.
Applicable to:
Compliance Advisory Services
19 out of 60
Contactless Communication by aConTech - 1 W. impl.aConTech GmbHSie erhalten eine sichere Arbeitsumgebung für mobiles Arbeiten und Home Office auf Basis von Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, remote Apps und Windows Virtual Desktop. Je nach Ihrem Anforderungsumfang.
Applicable to:
Calling for Microsoft Teams
Mobile Device Management
Teamwork Deployment
20 out of 60
Secure Remote Work 360° by acontech - 1 wk implemaConTech GmbHSie erhalten folgende Leistungen: Die Implementierung von Identity & Access Management, Device Deployment Management, Mobile Device Management, Modern Workplace und Teamwork Deployment
Applicable to:
Device Deployment & Management
Identity & Access Management
Mobile Device Management
21 out of 60
SharePoint Online Initial Implementationknowmad moodThe goal of the service is to create a first SharePoint site for a designated pilot department
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Knowledge & Insights
Teamwork Deployment
Power BI: Dashboard in a Day (1-tägiger Workshop)ORAYLIS GmbHSie erhalten Einblicke in die wichtigsten Funktionen von Power BI und erfahren, wie Sie Daten zusammenführen, vereinfachen, Berichte und Dashboards erstellen und mobil auf Ihre Daten zugreifen.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
23 out of 60
Project Manufacturing: 1-Day AssessmentCOSMO CONSULTSupports your daily handling of complex projects to achieve higher quality and transparency
Applicable to:
Business Central
24 out of 60
Microsoft Teams Meeting Rooms Analyse Workshop - 1 Tag WorkshopaConTech GmbHVorteile und Möglichkeiten der Lösung zeigen und einen individuellen Konzeptentwurf entwickeln
Applicable to:
Meeting Rooms for Microsoft Teams
25 out of 60
PowerApp in a Day Kickstarter: 1-Day WorkshopISOLUTIONS AG1 day intensive workshop to learn about the capabilities of the Power Platform and what organizational questions it brings up.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
26 out of 60
Business Central for Real Estate: 1-Hr AssessmentNew Technology ResearchTranslate your operations to Business Central. Get a clear overview of getting started.
Applicable to:
Business Central
27 out of 60
IB BUILDING 365: Evaluación 3 horasIBERMATICA SAN SEBASTIANA través de este servicio de consultoría descubra como IB Building 365 ofrece en una plataforma de Construcción 4.0 que integra todos los datos para gestionar el ciclo de vida de una Obra.
Applicable to:
Business Central
28 out of 60
Remotely Assisting workers w/Mixed Reality-3Wk POCVelradaEnable and enhance your front line staff with Velrada's Dynamics 365 Remote Assist and Mixed Reality POC
Applicable to:
Mixed Reality
29 out of 60
Power BI Performance Improvement: 1-Day AssessmentMAQ SoftwareWant to maximize your Power BI investment? Experience transformative improvements with our 1-day performance assessment
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
30 out of 60
'Veni,vidi,vici' package: 10-Day Proof of Concept EBIS SP. Z.O.O.10-Day 'veni, vidi, vici' package to conquer Power BI and improve your data experience!
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
31 out of 60
Sales Data in Power BI: 5-Day Proof of ConceptEBIS SP. Z.O.O.EBIS Microsoft Power BI experts will model and visualize your own sales data in a rapid 5-day engagement. After the implementation you will have production-ready Power BI reports and dashboards.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
32 out of 60
Power BI: 10-WEEK WorkshopElitmind SPBecome POWER BI leader in your organization.
Attend the 10-week individual workshops adjusted to your organization.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
33 out of 60
Rapid Impl BC Premium Mfg: 6-Wk ImplementationMindQuad Solutions Private LimitedA Rapid Implementation package of Business central Premium to configure & use core modules of Dynamics 365 Business central like Purchase, Sales, accounting, Discrete Manufacturing
Applicable to:
Business Central
ORBIS Remote Assist: 3 Day ImplementationORBIS SEReal-time support from an expert is just a click away.
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
35 out of 60
Dashboard in a Day: 1-Day WorkshopInviso CorporationThis immersive hands-on session is designed to guide you through the entire lifecycle of a Power BI report.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
36 out of 60
Migration to Power BI: 1-Day AssessmentInviso CorporationThis offering is designed to give you a cost/benefit analysis of migrating from a competitor/legacy reporting platform to Power BI.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
37 out of 60
Power BI Jumpstart: 3-Day WorkshopInviso CorporationA hands-on workshop to help you adopt Microsoft Power BI for self-service business intelligence.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
38 out of 60
Power BI: 1-Wk ImplementationInviso CorporationSkip the learning curve and utilize Inviso’s professional services to quickly unlock the full scope of Microsoft Power BI’s capabilities.
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
39 out of 60
Dynamics 365 Business Central: 1-Hr AssessmentMindQuad Solutions Private LimitedDuring this free assessment we will conclude about the compatibility of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central with your business need.
Applicable to:
Business Central
40 out of 60
Dynamics 365 Marketing Starter: 3Wk Implementationfernao somnitec AGKauferfahrung Personalisieren mit standardisierter Marketingautomation in Dynamics 365 Marketing
Applicable to:
41 out of 60
Dynamics 365 Starter Package - 3Wk Implementationfernao somnitec AGZielgerichtet, standardisiert und schnell zum professionellen Kunden- und Beziehungsmanagement
Applicable to:
Customer Service
42 out of 60
Rackspace Security & Compliance 10-hr AssessmentRackspace EMEARackspace helps you to identify potential risks in your current Microsoft 365 environment. Recommendations and improvement measures will be provided after the assessment.
Applicable to:
Compliance Advisory Services
Identity & Access Management
Information Protection & Governance
43 out of 60
G Suite to M365 Migration: 1-Day Proof of concepttrue org cloudProof of concept for migration from G Suite to Microsoft 365
Applicable to:
Adoption & Change Management
Identity & Access Management
Meetings for Microsoft Teams
44 out of 60
Dynamics 365 für Bauzulieferer: 2-hr BriefingproMX AGEine kostenlose Beratung für Bauzulieferer, wie sie mit Microsoft Dynamics 365 (komplexe) Bauprojekte managen und das volle Potenzial der digitalen Transformation nutzen können.
Applicable to:
45 out of 60
MD 365 für IT-Beratungsunternehmen: 2-hr BriefingproMX AGEin kostenloses Briefing für IT-Beratungsunternehmen, wie sie mit Microsoft Dynamics 365 effiziente Prozesse aufsetzen und das Potenzial der digitalen Transformation nutzen können.
Applicable to:
Project Service Automation
46 out of 60
ORBIS Envisioning Construction: 1-Day WorkshopORBIS SELet's work together to find solutions and ideas that add real value to your business. We bring our experience and your knowledge together to forge success.
Applicable to:
47 out of 60
MD 365 für Unternehmensberatungen: 2-hr BriefingproMX AGEin kostenloses Briefing für Unternehmensberatungen, wie sie mit Microsoft Dynamics 365 Systembrüche beseitigen und das Potenzial der digitalen Transformation nutzen können.
Applicable to:
Project Service Automation
48 out of 60
365 Universe - Jet Pack | 6 Days ImplementationDBEStart-up et TPE souhaitant démarrer avec un ERP Microsoft qui les accompagnera tout au long de leur croissance.
Applicable to:
Business Central
49 out of 60
365 Universe - Star | 4 Weeks ImplementationDBEPour les Entreprises existantes qui souhaitent basculer vers un système d'information moderne (CRM & ERP) pouvant les accompagner dans leur croissance
Applicable to:
Business Central
50 out of 60
365 Universe - Planet | 3 Weeks ImplementationDBEPour les sociétés existantes qui souhaitent travailler avec un nouvel ERP leur permettant de gérer leurs projets et de les accompagner pour le futur
Applicable to:
Business Central
51 out of 60
365 Universe - Jet Fighter | 9 Days ImplementationDBEPour les Startup et TPE qui veulent débuter avec un ERP et un CRM qui saurant les accompagner tout au long de leur croissance
Applicable to:
Business Central
52 out of 60
365 Universe - Infinity | 4 Weeks ImplementationDBEPour les entreprises en plein croissance qui souhaitent gérer dans un système d'informations moderne et connecté leurs projets, le CRM et le SAV.
Applicable to:
Business Central
53 out of 60
365 Universe - Space Shuttle | 2 Wk ImplementationDBEPour les Statup et TPE ou PME qui souhaitent gérer leurs projets de l'avant vente au Service Client
Applicable to:
Business Central
54 out of 60
365 Universe - Space Rocket | 1 Wk ImplementationDBEPour les Startup et TPE souhaitant gérer des projets dans un ERP qui les accompagnera tout au long de leur croissance.
Applicable to:
Business Central
55 out of 60
Activate Digital Selling: 4 hour virtual workshopsaglobalDigital selling, Sales engagement, forecasting, Segmentation, Targeting, lead management, analytics and reporting, Relationship generation, Optimize sales process, Reduce sales operations costs
Applicable to:
Power Apps
56 out of 60
Teams-Custom-Solution: 5-wk ImplementationXekera Systems IncXekera's Teams Custom Solution makes Microsoft Teams a persistent chat-based collaboration platform with enhanced company communicator app, New employee onboarding app and Leave management app.
Applicable to:
Teams Custom Solutions
57 out of 60
Manage Financial Risk - 4 hour WorkshopsaglobalDynamics 365 Finance, Financial management, Credit & collections, Cash management, Vendor management, Expense management, Budgeting, Cash flow forecasting, Analytics, E-invoicing, Tax management
Applicable to:
58 out of 60
Business Process Review: 2 hour Pre-AssessmentsaglobalTailored for Professional Services Sector: Make a big impact with small process changes leveraging Microsoft power apps, low code, no code development platform to build agile business processes
Applicable to:
Power Apps
59 out of 60
Microsoft Dynamics NAV: 2 Day Business AssessmentsaglobalMicrosoft Dynamics 365 Business Central makes it easier for organizations to achieve accelerated growth with a modern business management solution. Schedule an assessment with our expert today.
Applicable to:
Business Central