Take control of your Microsoft Teams and SharePoint environment with Teams Governance. A standardized approach to determine the governance for your organization.
Employees increasingly struggle to find documents. There is no uniform way of working in the organization, and sometimes, files are accidentally shared with the wrong co-workers or worse, with external parties. As a result, productivity gains — the very reason why Microsoft Teams and SharePoint was initially implemented — are lower and lower. Recognize this situation? Then it is probably time for you to set up governance.
What is Teams Governance?
With the our Governance service, we ensure that your organization can collaborate with Microsoft Teams and SharePoint in a controlled and secure manner. By creating an information architecture and automating the related rules with supporting software we offer your organization an optimal setup for these collaboration platforms.
In a glance we offer:
• An optimal Teams setup based on our experience and specific sector knowledge
• Implement rules and guidelines for the usage of Microsoft Teams
• Ensure that Teams are created in a standardized and consistent matter
• Optimize the governance based on new developments and changes from Microsoft and your organization
Teams Governance, the results:
• Clear guidelines for your environment, what is allowed and what not
• A uniform way of work, improving employee productivity
• No more surprises by changes in Microsoft 365
• Automated checks on your governance
• Comply with organization specific laws and regulations
Governance as a continuous process
We believe the only way to properly set up governance is to treat it as a continuous process. Microsoft 365 tools change daily, and it is important for governance to respond and adapt to these changes. That is exactly why we provide this solution as a service. This implementation is an onboarding to our service, which leads to monthly costs per user