Take advantage of our 9-week Proof-of-Concept offer to improve your organization's productivity using Microsoft Teams.
As the hub for teamwork, Microsoft Teams is designed to help organizations improve collaboration and increase efficiency by centralizing day-to-day work tools and automating key business processes. With our initiative, we intend to identify the current state of productivity in the organization, create a roadmap to implement the centralizing hub and implement a Proof of Concept (POC) for one productivity solution to illustrate the concept.
Agenda: Week 1: Pre-engagement (customer eligibility) Week 2 to 3: Productivity Assessment and Insights Report Week 3 to 4: Art of the Possible Workshop (Power Platform & Teams) Week 4 to 5: Roadmap Envisioning - Ideas capturing, scenario analysis and prioritization, implementation roadmap, scenario selection for POC Week 5 to 9: POC envisioning and implementation, and next steps evolution report The entire process will be accompanied by change management activities to promote the adoption of the solution.