Consultancy and documentation to guide an organisation to implement Power Bi safely, securely for maximum organisational benefit
Learning to technically use Power BI and build value adding content is only one aspect of adopting Power BI. Implementing Power BI at scale across a complex organisation requires a great deal of change management expertise. There are changes to existing roles, new roles to create, a new center of excellence and many existing organizational processes to adapt and new ones to write. The fledgling team needs to build from the ground up with best practice. All this while exploiting the investment in Power BI by maximizing speed to value. Setting in place an adoption program with suitable governance is vital to ensure that both technically or organizationally it rolls out at a pace to suit expectations, including those of senior management. Our experience rolling out Power Bi in multiple large complex organisations and our history of transformation means we have the experience to be your trusted partner in the implementation of Power BI, even in regulated or sensitive sectors. We can help you at every stage.
We provide:
• Trustmarque's own adoption documentation to enhance and compliment Microsoft's own adoption framework with sector specific real-world examples.
• Technical training, mentoring and support to analytical and data engineering staff in using Power BI.
• Attendance at key meetings to shape the agenda, pace and generate useful outcomes.
• Coaching and guidance for senior managers in how to lead a deployment, set expectation and support staff.
• How to prioritize strategic objectives, balancing top-down initiatives with citizen developer needs.
• Help with data governance, GDRP, DPIA, SARs etc and what impact and mitigation are available in Power BI.
• Real world use cases of sharing including the governance and control of sharing data across team organisations and trusted partners.
• Help in writing new or re-writing existing processes to control access to content with Starters Leavers, Movers processes.
• Establish the Power BI center of excellence within exiting governance structures and provide help with terms of reference.
• Delivery of Power BI projects as exemplars to provide speed to value and embed best practice the Power BI center of excellence.
Duration of support can vary from a few months to multi-year support.
Every organisation is unique and varies by size, staff, analytical maturity, data maturity, skills, ambition, and budget.
Make the most of your investment in the Power Bi product, let us guide you through this process.
It is not just for those new to Power BI, if you are already established with Power BI and it has started to leave your control, then we can help you reign it back under governance.
Time periods vary from a few months to several years and budgets are typically in the £75K to £400K