Microsoft 365 Copilot Readiness: 2 week Assessment image

Microsoft 365 Copilot Readiness: 2 week Assessment


We help our clients to integrate Microsoft 365 Copilot in their organization in the most secure and efficent way

Accelerate your Microsoft 365 Copilot integration in your organization through this 2-week assessment, where our best consultants and technical leads will guide throughout all the steps to install Microsoft 365 copilot in a secure and yet efficient way in your organization

  • Illuminate the course of action to start your organization path towards Generative AI tools taking into account your technical and business readiness.
  • We will help you discover all the possibilities Microsoft 365 has to offer for your business.
  • Learn on how to prepare your tenant to secure your data and information before Microsoft 365 Copilot deployment in an efficient and secure Azure environment.

We have defined a 5-step exercise where, together, we'll review your tenant readiness to adopt this technology, we will review your business and organizational model for future adoption, and we'll define your own business plan to integrate this amazing technology:

  1. Business Context: We understand your business, how your organization operates, what could be your business impact and what information is critical for your company.
  2. Technical Environment Readiness: We will revise your license model, your tenant readiness and your information and data security level to make sure that you have everything you need to start deploying Microsoft 365 Copilot with total control over the information and security on the most efficient way.
  3. Awareness: we help you to understand better the technology along the way, what it can do and what are the best practices and recommendations for your specific business setting the path towards the adoption and how to make the most of Microsoft 365 Copilot.
  4. Blueprint: our team will define the best deployment scenario for your organization and evaluate the operational, licensing and technical cost of integrating Microsoft 365 Copilot in your organization.
  5. Planning: we will define the best course of action to carry out the proposed actions, including, licensing, technical and operational actions.

After this exercise, you will be ready to start the integration of Microsoft 365 Copilot in your organization that will bring a whole new efficiency and growth perspective for your organization using Generative AI on a daily basis.