Windows 11 Kick-off. Sulava will help you realize the true value of Windows 11 and its place in your IT roadmap along with supporting actions required for a successful roll-out
Windows 11 is not just a typical Windows feature update – it is a natural enabler for moving towards cloud-based device management and boosts productivity. Sulava’s experienced consultants will help you realize the true value of Windows 11 and its place in your IT roadmap along with supporting actions required for a successful roll-out. During the kick-off, your organization will get visibility and preparation steps for concrete piloting and moving on to Windows 11.
Explaining the changes and opportunities in Windows 11 (2h) Agenda: Windows 11 for end-users Windows 11 security Windows 11 management & lifecycle Windows 365 Application compatibility Universal printing Summary: Why upgrade?
Exploring the organization’s current status of Windows usage, device management model and reporting & data sources (2h) Agenda: Windows versions in use Device readiness Available licenses Endpoint Analytics Windows 10 end-of-life preparation
Presenting the summary roadmap for cloud-based device management and successful Windows 11 deployment (2h) Agenda: Best practices for cloud-based device management Summary roadmap with proposed schedule for Windows 11 transition Required steps towards the desired state