Improve Data Insight with Viva and Syntex: 4-Week Implementation

Spyglass MTG, LLC

This offer provides a data driven team with the ability to easily search information stored on the intranet.

The Spyglass offering to Improve Data Insight with Viva and Syntex is a 4-Week/$20,000 implementation that provides a data driven team with the ability to easily search information stored on the intranet. Powered by AI, Viva Connections and SharePoint Syntex work together to greatly improve the basic digital experience. The offering aims to transform typical intranet content into knowledge by providing quick insights from disjointed documents within multiple SharePoint repositories into a single pane of glass. Our approach leverages an agile methodology to quickly develop and deploy all your integration needs by leveraging SharePoint Syntex, SharePoint Online, and Viva Connection.

Our delivery methodology:

  1. Agile Delivery Practices: From iterative development, collaborative project teams to user-based scenarios development, utilizing Agile practice has been integral to the success of our project.

  2. Client First Approach: Our projects are always client first. Clients know their organization best and as such we maximize this through ongoing inclusion of client resources throughout the duration of the project.

3.Transition to Live quicker: By adopting a release schedule aligned to the build schedule, clients get the benefit of their solution being live quicker, users gain access quicker and therefore benefits are realized quicker.

4.Continuous Improvement in mind: The benefit of getting Live quicker results in the opportunities to implement CI (Continuous Improvement) more readily, thereby creating an environment which facilitates the future proofing of the platform.


Week 1- Discovery, Requirements & Development Being, Week 2- Development Continues, Week 3- Development Continues & Testing, Week 4- Testing & Deployment

Deliverables: Spyglass will deliver custom Intranet SPFx elements leveraging Viva Connection and SharePoint Syntex.

At a glance