Intranet Assessment Workshop: 1 Day

Solutions2Share GmbH

In this Intranet Assessment Workshop, we will identify the options and requirements for implementing an intranet in Microsoft 365.

With this workshop you will get an overview of the options and requirements for implementing an intranet based on Microsoft 365 – whether in Microsoft Teams or in Microsoft SharePoint. You will learn about the tools you can use to build your intranet. The aim of the workshop is to establish the requirements, work out a concept and understand the various options for editing, structure and control of an intranet in Microsoft Teams or SharePoint. Each workshop is led by one of our intranet experts.


  • Establishing requirements and planning use cases
  • Identifying the best solution for an intranet based on Microsoft Teams or SharePoint (standard, Valo, Intranet by Solutions2Share, etc.)
  • Designing an initial information architecture
  • Configuration of a start page
  • Functionalities and building blocks in the intranet in Microsoft Teams or SharePoint
  • Permission concept and governance
  • Editing and content management
  • Use of metadata and addressing target groups
  • Branding options: Adapt your Microsoft Teams or SharePoint intranet to your CI
  • Document management
  • Q&A session
  • Defining a roadmap and schedule

Your workshop instructors are experts in Microsoft 365 and all topics around intranet implementation in SharePoint and Microsoft Teams. The workshops are in large parts held remotely and can be adapted to match your requirements. Contact Solutions2Share for more details!

At a glance