SOFT4 IFRS 16/ AASB 16 MINI: 3-Day Implementation


16 hours of SOFT4Lessee set-up services for lease compliance in accordance with to IFRS16/ AASB16 requirements.

Analysis phase

3 files are sent by the Service Provider:

  • The IFRS16/ AASB16 Questionnaire.
  • Lease Data Template (excel form for initial data upload).
  • IFRS16/ AASB16 chart of accounts.

System Installation

The Supplier prepares SOFT4Lessee SaaS tenant for the Customer, sets up user access and assists the Customer with the initial connection to the system.


The Supplier sets system parameters up:

  • Transition option, accounting periods, chart of accounts, asset categories, maturity bands, legal entities, as per Questionnaire the Customer filled in on Analysis Phase.
  • Dimensions, currencies, A/ P reconciliation process, IAS17 parallel accounting (if needed).

Lease Data Acquisition

The Customer compiles the leases in Lease Data Template (excel).

Lease Data Upload to the System

The Customer uploads data to the system and resolves data issues, if any. The Supplier facilitates the data upload and validation, provides help on resolving any issues.

User Training

The Supplier sends the Customer the links to user guide videos and provides Soft4Lessee user manual.

Overall System Test

The Customer activates leases and creates G/ L posts on the initial transition to IFRS16/ AASB16. The Customer runs amortization for several months (future-dated), several leases (up to expiration), does lease modifications, takes G/ L output and validates the balances and net changes.


Service Provider helps you to reset the test data (only keeping the system set-up and leases), up to one hour of support. The Customer activates leases and creates G/ L posts on the initial transition to IFRS16/ AASB16, then continues the regular monthly process.

Post Go-live Support

At the end of the Customer’s first reporting period, the Customer prepares G/ L output (for balance sheet and P&L), Rou Asset report, Liability Report, Maturity Analysis report and closes the accounting period in the system.

At a glance