Microsoft Teams / Cloud Apps: 5 hour Workshop Virtual Training (Enablement) Sessions


Focusing on Microsoft Teams, with all other Microsoft apps functionality integrated, Enablement services will train end users how to effectively and innovatively use cloud services to do their work.

Salt offers Enablement Training Sessions to Customers employees, from frontline to executive levels. These sessions are for the actual users of the Microsoft apps. With the onset of the pandemic in 2020, Salt facilitated the move of over 40,000 people into the cloud, to enable remote work during lock down. What we realized working with our customers in that time, was that it was not the availability of the technology that was causing distress and unproductivity, but rather the people did not know how to use it effectively, if at all. The better parts of 2020 and 2021 were spent working closely with our customers, to develop a very custom range of training content, that has come to be known as Enablement. Once the worst of the pandemic was over, we further realized that these tools could now put organizations that were surviving, into a thriving mode. By teaching people how to maximize the use of the technology, and apply it in their day to day activities, this hybrid work experience started contributing to higher levels of productivity and lower levels of stress, even fostering innovation from individuals and in teams that was never imagined. There is a major focus on Microsoft Teams as a linchpin application, as all other tools and functionalities are gradually being built into Teams. Training sessions are hosted virtually, and are able to accommodate from 1 to 50 people in one session. Sessions are set up with the customer at agreed upon timeslots. To ensure the most effective reception of the training, we will have a structured approach of categorization and grouping of employees. A survey will be shared amongst the attendees to determine what level their proficiency is at and what their job role is, to ensure appropriate and relevant content is provided. The first two sessions focusses on how to use the Teams hub and Teams video conferencing, Teams will be for the most part a focus area for the Enablement, however there are a vast arrange of tools and technologies in the Microsoft portfolio which can be used stand alone or through Teams. Based on the feedback from Sessions, separate sessions for the below applications can be arranged. The training will be conducted in one hour sessions, virtually, using Microsoft Teams. A monthly one hour session for Q&A for all attendees, that have questions about the tools, is available upon demand.

At a glance