Rockhop takes a comprehensive approach to streamlining employee on-boarding. The workflow for on-boarding will be automated inclusive of systems interconnectivity, task hand-offs, and approvals.
On-boarding a new employee is a common process, each step in and of itself not being overly complex. The complication rests in the number of disparate systems across unique business units that’s required to facilitate the process effectively. This results in an opportunity for process failure from missed hand-offs, data transposition or inconsistency across systems for organizations that don't have a well-integrated, enterprise HRIS. Unfortunately, this challenge is left for HR to facilitate manually.
Rockhop will develop an Employee Onboarding Process leveraging Power Apps to start the process with Employee/ Canidate information, Power Automate to tie into an e-sign product, Power Automate to manage the tasks from end to end, and Power Automate to create account details in Active Directory. Last, Power Apps will be used to provide management/ monitor the employee onboarding status. Optionally, 3rd party platforms can be integrated to provide further automation vs. a task based approach. In summary, Rockhop will deliver: