Cloud Security Review: 4-Day Assessment


We can assess the security configuration of Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Azure IaaS and PaaS and Dynamics 365 together or we can review them individually if you have particular concerns.

This packaged assessment is available to all sectors.

Our consultants are all Security Cleared and Non-Police Personnel Vetted.

Misconfiguration of Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Azure IaaS and PaaS and Dynamics 365 can leave your organisations data exposed to cyber-attack and threats. Our engagement will undertake review of the configuration of these services, against industry standard security guidelines and work with you to create defined next steps to enhance security of these services. 

Day 1 – On day 1, our Security Experts will work with you to truly understand your current challenges, existing solutions, and wider technology ecosystem. We will invoke the Microsoft Secure Score and Azure Security Center services using our custom develop scripts where possible. Our expert will interview your organisations security stakeholders to ensure we understand the current and future requirements.

Day 2 – On day 2, the risual team will review outputs from the tools and scripts to ensure the required information has been captured and reported on. If required further interviews will also ensure we have gathered all the information needed to create our recommendations for your security assessment. Our subject matter expert will perform knowledge transfer with you to show you how to re-run the assessment tools again in the future and go through any security tools or features that are of most value.

Day 3-4 – On days 3 and 4, the risual team work to create a recommendations document that will be presented to the organisation's security stakeholders. The recommendations document will remain with you as a reference for future projects. Our experts will then work with you to define next steps and understand how risual can support you the organisation to implement the recommendations

At a glance