Intranet Accelerator: 30-day implementation

Reply Ltd

WM Reply's expert consultancy in both implementation and change management in a tested project framework to get your intelligent intranet up and running in weeks not months.

Our 30-day Accelerator Intelligent Intranet Starter Kit is a collection of our expertise, services and products focused on getting your new intranet built and launched in the shortest possible time. Inclusive of our pre-built Microsoft SharePoint Online components to plug the gaps in the default SharePoint Online intranet functionality. Our offer includes:

  1. 20 days implementation from our expert consultants for planning, build and implementation of your intranet.

  2. 15+ Accelerator intranet components - specifically designed to address the functionality gaps in SharePoint Online.

  3. 10 days change management from our PROSCI certified change managers and dedicated UX team for adoption and change management activities.

At the end of your project our goal is to leave you with a ready-to-launch intranet. We will deliver:

  • Configured and built SharePoint Online intranet
  • Over £100,000 of Accelerator components deployed
  • Key pages populated
  • Content editors trained
  • Migration plan
  • Launch plan and activities
  • Designed intranet launch assets
  • User awareness and engagement

All delivered in 30 days.

At a glance