Identities Security Pack : 12-Months Implementation


Be sure that the user who is knocking the door is the user it pretends to be through smooth deployment of Multi Factor Authentication and Conditionnal Access, supported by our change management team.


  • Provide a comprehensive Azure Active Directory security audit report. The audited features are described in the Microsoft documentation: Secure your Azure AD identity infrastructure - Azure Active Directory
  • Privileged Accounts
    1. A 1.5-hour audit and discussion session (or two 45-minute sessions)
    2. Presentation of a privileged account governance strategy for Microsoft 365 based on the results of the audit previously conducted
    3. Implementation of the Privileged Identity Management (PIM) solution and Multi-Factor Authentication for privileged accounts
    4. Two 45-minute awareness and training sessions with privileged users

  • Standard accounts
    1. A 1.5-hour audit and discussion session (or two 45-minute sessions)
    2. Presentation of a strategy for securing standard accounts for Microsoft 365 based on the results of the audit previously conducted
    3. Implementation of Conditional Access and Multi-factor Authentication solutions according to the deployment plan included in the standard account security strategy previously provided
    4. Change management with users (design and execution of a communication plan, training materials, user support throughout the deployment phase, etc.). The content provided at this stage is at the discretion of PHOENIX ALLIANCE
    5. Monitoring the deployment of the security strategy

  • Configuration of federated authentication between Azure and an application supporting it (one application per three hundred users)
  • Complete documentation of the actions carried out
  • Full completion within one year of subscribing to the service pack


  • Unlimited: Level 2 Technical Incident Management
  • Unlimited: Level 3 Technical Incident Management
  • Achieved 90% target on Microsoft Security Score for Identity
  • Weekly revenue from identity-related threats and mitigation action taken
  • Provision of an expert in the event of a Global Attack on the Azure AD, until the situation has returned to the previous state of the Global Attack
  • Global report on the actions carried out made available on the PHOENIX portal


  • For privileged accounts: any subscription including Azure Active Directory Premium Plan 2 (standalone, Microsoft 365 E5 or dedicated security bundle)
  • For standard accounts: any subscription including Azure Active Directory Plan 1 (Microsoft 365 Business Premium, Microsoft 365 F3/E3/E5 or dedicated security bundle)

At a glance