Taxonomy Classification: 3-Months Implementation

PwC GmbH WPG (Germany)

The PowerApp helps banks to classify their transactions based on the EU Taxonomy.

The EU taxonomy is a classification system, establishing a list of environmentally sustainable economic activities. It requires European credit institutions to report their Green Asset Ratio (GAR). To do so, each loan needs to be classified into eligible and aligned with EU Taxonomy. For the classification, each loan needs to run through the complex classification system and needs to meet the conditions to be environmentally sustainable from 2023 on. The PwC Taxonomy Classification Tool reduces the complexity and effort for their users by providing user friendly checklists to guide the user through the regulations. The tool is built with Microsoft PowerApps and it can easily be implemented on your companies Microsoft Tenant and connected to your internal system architecture. 


  • Current technological standards with an intuitive user interface - Thanks to OCR and AI as well as Microsoft PowerApps and Azure, our cloud-based tool is always up to date.
  • Future-proof solution for your bank's sustainability reporting - Our comprehensive front-to-end solution provides you with a continuously usable data warehouse for all taxonomy data. 
  • Cost savings and reduced resource requirements -The fast track solutions of Taxonomy Classification minimise the data entry effort in the loan origination process, simplify and shorten the review process and thus reduce the burden on your resources. 
  • No need to deal with long, unclear regulations - PwC's Taxonomy Classification translates complex regulatory requirements simply into specially developed checklists. 
  • Legal and audit-proof - Our taxonomy tool is characterised by continuous further development and adaptation to current regulatory requirements.
  • Comprehensive ESG expertise from PwC - The EU taxonomy reporting software incorporates the extensive experience of our PwC experts in taxonomy assessments.

The pricing for the integration depends on your architectures complexity. Contact purchaser to get a detailed offer. 

At a glance