Marketing Automation Fasttrack 2-Wk implementation


Be up and running with Microsoft Dynamics for Marketing in 2 weeks. Improve your Marketing results and discover the success for digital marketing projects.

Get trained and really use Dynamics for Marketing in 2 weeks. Based on your goals we setup and configure the environment, train you and get you up and running with your first campaign and customer journeys.

The success of a digital marketing project is to smartly segment (potential) customers and start executing digital campaigns. Based on the results and dashboards you can focus on what works and improve the campaigns and conversion. Pixelzebra focuses on your marketing goals. We start our implementation with a workshop where we define the customer journeys and persona’s. Based on that workshop we setup the system and train and coach you to start using Dynamics for Marketing yourself. Your own customer journey and segments will be used during the training. After the training you will have a working digital campaign and are able to create your own.

The Pixelzebra Fasttrack includes a full and operational Dynamics for Marketing environment. We train & coach your organisation to get tangible marketing results with digital marketing campaigns.


Week 1 -Marketing Workshop and Kick-off -Dynamics for Marketing setup and configuration

Week 2 -Workshop and training Email Templates and Landing Pages -Workshop and training Segments and Customer Journeys -Training Lead Conversion and Reporting -Coaching session and after care


-Up and running Dynamics for Marketing environment -Configured Subscription Centre and lists -A digital campaign with a Customer Journey and Customer Segments

Trained marketeers that are able to: -Design and maintain effective email templates -Create and optimize email campaigns -Improve campaigns based on marketing KPI’s and campaign results -Be GDPR compliant by maintaining subscription lists and centres -Improve conversion by building your own landing pages -Create automated campaigns with Customer Journeys -Drive higher conversion with lead Generation and scoring

####Price Price is based on scope of work

At a glance