Sustainability Circular Economy: 1 hour: Briefing


This briefing will provide you with a greater understanding of the circular economy and options available to your organisation when purchasing, deploying and managing Microsoft Surface devices.

The UK government has committed to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is encouraging local government and public sector organisations to support delivery against two thirds of the targets. As your services impact on both the environmental and social challenges faced by the UK, you have a crucial role in helping to achieve these targets by 2030. To support these goals, you must change behaviours within your organisation, and technology and data solutions are vital in helping you deliver this.

When embarking on a new hardware refresh programme your tried and tested approach is often the easiest – but is it the right thing for your organisation, your users, and for the environment? Technology is moving quickly, and it is important to think broader when it’s time to invest in new devices for your organisation.

As Microsoft’s UK Partner of the Year 2021, we fully support Microsoft’s sustainability goals. As a result, we are introducing a new way to acquire new Microsoft Surface devices, ensuring all costs are accounted for: financial, resources, and carbon footprint.

For this, it is important to re-imagine procurement and account for the end-to-end lifecycle of devices by making considerations for:

  • Sourcing, eco design, and manufacturing
  • Device deployment and end management
  • Sustainable user experiences with Microsoft 365 functionality
  • Maximise end of life refurb, reuse and/or recycle This is known as a circular economy and is currently the most sustainable way to procure IT hardware.

Our approach We work with you to support your hardware refresh programme, ensuring it meets your business needs and sustainability objectives. Together will support you to, procure, deploy, and dispose of your IT kit responsibly.

The briefing session will explore and support you with options on:

  • Procuring Microsoft Surface devices (including buy back, leasing or refurbishment programmes)
  • Easy deployment and management for a seamless end user experience, minimising transport for delivery, packaging and duplicate handling
  • Responsible disposal of your old IT kit with zero waste to landfill

Support includes: Discovery • Current hardware • Procurement and financial options Business case support • Carbon footprint of hardware • Options for repair, reuse, recycle for a circular economy • Sustainable and secure modern device management • Sustainable ways to asset tag, deploy, and deliver devices to end-users Demonstration • Microsoft Surface demonstration device

The benefits

  • Transparent information about the device design, manufacture, and sourcing so you can be confident the Microsoft surface is sustainably sourced
  • Enables you to navigate the financial and procurement support to reduce device costs through buy back, leasing, and rebate schemes, alongside understanding the carbon footprint cost of different options
  • Supports you with modern management for seamless deployment
  • Reduces delivery locations and handling through direct deployment to you, to ensure seamless rollouts and reduce any unnecessary mileage, carbon emissions, and resources
  • Includes the collection of old kit for secure 100% refurbishment, reuse, and/ or recycle disposal for zero waste to landfill

At a glance