Teams Rooms Pilot image

Teams Rooms Pilot


Phoenix's new Pilot program will enable you to prove real value by piloting Microsoft Teams Rooms in your own environment.

The new Teams Rooms pilot program will enable you to prove real value by piloting Microsoft Teams Rooms in your environment.

This Phoenix-led pilot will provide you with an accelerated hands-on experience to demonstrate the value of Microsoft Teams Rooms and Teams Rooms connects people across the hybrid workplace.

This engagement follows a three-phase approach:


  • Align on pilot objectives by inviting key business decision makers to sponsor the pilot-
  • Identify your top hybrid meetings scenarios
  • Define pilot spaces and objectives


  • Deploy and configure Teams Rooms with testing and validation
  • Provide user adoption & administrator readiness training
  • Regular status meetings to discuss pilot progress or challenges


  • Summarize key learnings, capture feedback and report on achievements
  • Outline next steps and recommendations for scaling the deployment and adoption of Microsoft Teams Rooms

This Pilot is for SMC and Enterprise customers Pending Microsoft Approval

At a glance

Snapshot 1 of Teams Rooms Pilot