Endpoint Privilege Management with Intune Suite: 6-Wk Implementation


During this implementation we'll discover your application requirements, define Endpoint Privilege Management rules based on the discovery and roll these out to your end user base.

Phoenix's Endpoint Privilege Management with Intune Suite implementation follows a three-step process:

Phase 1 - Discovery

The initial discovery phase will see Endpoint Privilege Management deployed in an audit mode for a minimum of four weeks. This will allow Endpoint Privilege Management to gather insights on user elevation requests, which will form part of the rule creation phase. 

Phase 2 - Rule Definition

Based on the insights gathered by Endpoint Privilege Management, a report will be shared to support further discussion and definition which will include, but not be limited to:

  • Application elevation count
  • Application product information
  • File paths and file names
  • File hashes
  • Users who have requested elevation to these applications

Phase 3 - Rules Creation

Once the completed report has been reviewed Endpoint Privilege Management rules will be created in Microsoft Intune, based on the defined group assignments and elevation types.

The engagement will run over a 6-week period with the outline agenda below: 

  • Week 1 - 4 (Discovery)
  • Week 5 (Rule Definition)
  • Week 6 (Rules Creation)

At a glance