A comprehensive solution focused on end user productivity, and management ease for IT. Hardware, Microsoft 365 and Services in one offering for SMB and Enterprise customers.
Device as a Services has been around for quite some time in different forms. What sets the Phil-Data Modern Work Bundle is that it combines premium devices from Phil-Data's portfolio with the latest Microsoft software to create an integrated solution charged under a per-user, per month basis. It is a customer centric solution for the modern workplace where end user value, employee productivity, and collaboration are ever more important.
Customers have the flexibility to choose their bundle and our Microsoft dedicated team will assist in discovering what's the best option for them, as well as how their Microsoft 365 services can be maximized throughout a one-year (12 months) service subscription term. This offering includes services from implementation, to support and optimization of the customer's Microsoft 365 subscription through training, and reviews of services usage. Through this comprehensive services, management of IT assets become simplified as customer hardware along with the Microsoft 365 is supported throughout the service term.