Digital Event Hosting: 1 Day Implementation


Digital Event Hosting Service aims to broadcast enterprise grade Teams meetings, webinars and Live Events with Multiview display layouts, video transitions and speaker name tags.

As the time we spend working online increases, as PEAKUP Technologies, we carry out the events like face-to-face, public or company-exclusive meetings, symposiums, congresses, seminars, press launches, award ceremonies, and partner/supplier organizations on digital platforms. In important online organizations you have, we create an environment that feels just like if it were a physical event with our professional production setup. In this way, all processes before and during the event are carried out by PEAKUP and the event takes place in a professional way. Digital Event Hosting Service aims to broadcast enterprise grade Teams meetings, webinars and Live Events with Multiview display layouts, video transitions and speaker name tags. Speakers from different geographies can be streamed into one single event with television broadcast quality. Advanced video transitions from speaker to speaker and content to speaker, make both internal and external events better. In 1 day implementation service you can get benefit from PEAKUP's broadcasting capabilities for your events.

At a glance