A powerful solution to help your rapidly and successfully transition to a modern Microsoft 365 based digital operating model.
Microsoft 365 enables organizations to rapidly transition to a modern model of secure collaboration. Yet simply purchasing Microsoft 365 licenses doesn’t translate into customers using and loving every Microsoft 365 capability. To accomplish this goal, Cognizant Microsoft Business Group’s Adoption and Change Management solution allows us to understand, plan for and deliver change from an employee’s perspective, recognising the impacts of change on an individual’s role, responsibilities and working behaviors whilst delivering business results. It is primarily aimed at delivering additional value through successful adoption of new ways of working whether it be technology or organisational change.
By taking an employee centric perspective to delivering business value through a six-pillar approach to change management we'll help you to:
* Drive employee engagement throughout the change journey
* Improve team productivity and value
* Ensure inclusivity and team member wellbeing
* Deliver a seamless, integrated and consistent end-user experience
* Provide the right equipment, processes and technology for your business to excel
* Extend the best support network to ensure first time success
Our team utilizes a human-centric approach to technology change that will help you to:
* Build on the capabilities provided by Microsoft 365 to deliver value-based solutions to your employees
* Improve onboarding of employees to new ways of working
* Drive productivity through time saved doing manual tasks and interventions
* Enhance the employee perspective on the change
* Capitalize on available opportunities and deliver optimal solution value
Through Adoption and Change Management we will help you to identify the business pain points that can be solved with proper training and change journey management – and to build out a roadmap to help drive adoption across an enterprise. Properly governed, this helps change an organization’s culture to one where new improvements are rolled out, to great delight, to staff who are trained up to take advantage of the changes.
• Enhanced Value:
o Extract the most out of your team’s investment
• Stronger Adoption:
o Get your staff engaged with Teams and with each other
• Optimized Use:
o Increase productivity through active Teams usage
• Reduced Shadow IT:
o Mitigate the desire for users to cling to ungoverned technologies
• Future ready positioning:
o Capitalize on Microsoft investments to overcome common challenges quickly
Price estimate is an indicative estimate - actual pricing for the engagement will be provided based on client scope and requirements.