GDPR High Level Audit: 2-Wk Assessment

Network One Distribution

Assessment service, to determine current GDPR compliance level and how IT helps in delivering the necessary steps to cover GDPR gaps within any organization type

Compliance with the provisions of the GDPR is not a one-off activity, but is a continuous process of monitoring the activities carried out on personal data and ensuring their security. GDPR requires organizations to secure personal data in accordance with their sensitivity. To ensure compliance with the GDPR, organizations are encouraged to measure current level of implementation and develop a culture of confidentiality protecting rights and interests of individuals with respect to personal data. Here is the point where our service start.

Our offer contains:

  1. Induction to GDPR Workshop - 1 day
    • GDPR and Personal Data in a nutshell
    • Why data security is important for resident data and in transit
  2. Evaluation questionnaire - 5 days
    • Assessment on how deep GDPR in implemented
    • Assessment on how IT secures the main objectives of GDPR and data security
  3. Data analysis and report elaboration - 7 days
  4. Final Workshop - 1 day
    • Assessment overview for GDPR implementation and recommendation
    • IT environment assessment overview. Best practices in terms of data security and GDPR compliance
    • Examples of GDPR ready environments transformed by Microsoft technology: Microsoft 365 recommended solution suitable for customer environment. Pricing examples for different scenarios. Product Demo. Deliverables: 1 x GDPR comprehensive report with best practices, including best IT practices in terms of data security and GDPR compliance based on Microsoft technology: Microsoft 365

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