Faststart: Viva Connections 6wks Proof of Concept


Marquam’s FastStart program supports organizations that want to enhance their connection with employees inside of Microsoft Teams with Viva Connections.

Microsoft Teams is an ideal location for sharing both culture and core values because it is already at the center of the employees day-to-day individual and team connections. From the user’s perspective, it is natural to connect with the organization at large using the same tool. Viva Connections makes that happen. WORKSHOP: We start by exploring opportunities for the organizational leaders to connect with employees and express company culture via Microsoft Teams. BUILD AND TEST: The next deliverable is to build a site that features the highest-value tools identified in the workshop. The site design will be optimized specifically for use inside of Microsoft DEPLOYMENT, SUPPORT & ROADMAP: Marquam will guide you through the deployment of the new site in Microsoft Teams.

At a glance