Power BI Adoption Tracker - 1 Day Assessment

Altron Digital Business

High levels of user adoption are important to achieving maximum return on your Power BI in the cloud investment.
Altron Karabina has solved the challenge of measuring user adoption for you.

Altron Karabina allows you to gain insight into your Power BI Adoption by leveraging our business intelligence on business intelligence approach.

The tracker will

  • Provide users with the tools they need to make more informed business decisions.
  • Support user growth and ensure optimum performance at all times, creating a BI platform that can handle a large number of users, a large amount of data, and a large volume of queries.
  • Provide standardised pre-packaged content.
  • Provide accurate data. User adoption puts the spotlight on data quality. If users question the accuracy and consistency of the data being delivered to them, they will abandon your solution and find other ways to get the information they want.
  • User behavior can be better managed and guided if it can be monitored
  • This 1-day assessment is for technical and business leaders and is held on-site at the client’s facility.


One Day Assessment

  • Identify the Power BI Adoption Team
  • Review the key metrics in the Power BI Adoption Tracker
  • Review the Azure requirements for creating the required Analytics
  • Demonstrate the analytics that you would have out of the box


  • By the end of the workshop, you will be able to have a solution to enable Power BI adoption in your organisation.

At a glance