Implementation of Microsoft PPM - 9 weeks

Intersoft Management Systems as

Implementation-project for a Microsoft PPM-solution based either on Power Platform or Project Online

We implement and support all Microsoft PPM-tools like ProjectApp (inc Project for the web), Project Operations, Project Online (inc MS Project), etc.

We implement the solutions in an agile fashion providing iterations as desired by the customer. Each iteration has 5 phases:

  1. Agree on desired value/outcome in a 1/2 meeting with customer-
  2. One 1/2 day workshop to analyse needs and possibilities
  3. Solution design and estimates (internally in Intersoft)
  4. Implementation of agreed configuration (by Intersoft consultants)
  5. Feedback and adjustments (through an established supportportal and weekly statusmeetings with customer). Each iteration is estimated at 15 days of consulting work from Intersoft (7,5 hours per day) over a period of 3 weeks.

The customer chooses which iterations to complete, depending on organisational needs. The iterations we offer are:

  1. Planning and progress-reporting
  2. Project Process
  3. Portfolio Management
  4. Resource Management
  5. Reporting
  6. Collaboration In addition we offer to do migration of exisiting projects if needed.

The average implementation consists of 3 iterations - hence 9 week duration. However, this may vary by customer.

The deliverable from this 9 week implementation is a fitted, readily configured complete Microsoft PPM-solution based on either:

  1. Microsoft Project App including Project for the web, Teams and Power BI, or
  2. Microsoft Project Online including Sharepoint Online and MS Project.

The end-solution will be fitted to the customer processes and planning procedures and standards. The solution will include a collaboration-ability based on either Teams or Sharepoint Online.

At a glance