Power Platform Hands On: 1-Wk Proof of Concept


In this 40-hour engagement, we’ll build out a fairly simple but full-featured Power App that includes a Power BI report and any limited Power Automate flows to support the process.

In this 40-hour engagement, we’ll build out a fairly simple but full-featured Power App that includes a Power BI report and any limited Power Automate flows to support the process. This app will act as a Proof of Concept for your team to get a “hands-on” feel for the power and capabilities of the Power Platform.

As a result of this one week (40 hours) proof of concept you can expect the following:

  • You will understand the capabilities of the Power Platform
  • Power Apps, Power Automate and Power BI—and how it can empower your business
  • You will understand how the low-code, no-code environment of the Power Platform can save you time and cost
  • You will have a basic app that you can expand upon as necessary

Agenda: DAY 1: Design session where we discuss your use and its requirements, sketch out the user interface, decide upon the data repository and design the data architecture, and discuss what business process workflows are required

DAY 2: We’ll create mock ups of the screens required for the user interface, create the data elements and begin to create the Power App screens

DAY 3: We’ll finish creating the Power App screens and start to code them and any necessary Power Automate flows

DAY 4: We’ll finish the Power App and Power Automate coding and add test data and run through the app with the stakeholders, making any small changes as necessary

DAY 5: We’ll discuss what visualizations should be on the Power BI report, sketch it out and then create the Power BI report; we’ll finish by discussing next steps and giving a Power Platform Best Practices presentation

At a glance