1 Week Assessment - Agile 365 for Teams


Agile 365 for Teams Enables you to accelate your digital transformation

It is a Microsoft Teams assessment developed by inove to help companies transform the way they communicate and collaborate with their teams, departments and customers. Based on the Agile methodology we go through the steps below for the success of your project: 1 - Envisioning Workshop: workshop for IT staff and key users where we will present the tool's full potential + integrations with other Office 365 features and workspace adaptation with other services, e.g. Trello, GitHub, Adobe and many others.

2 - Solution Assessment: Immersion in the way departments and teams work, considering the business objectives combined with the most appropriate technologies: SharePoint, Stream, Planner, Power Automate.

3 - Pre-Game & Deployment: We prioritize and plan the subsequent sprints, considering deliverables that already transform the client's business from the very first week.

4 - Adoption: Training of the IT team (administration, security and compliance) and training of users.

At a glance