Smarter Business: 4-hr Workshop

Innofactor Finland

A Unique Way to Experience Tomorrow's Modern Digital Organization Today with Microsoft Dynamics 365. Includes hands-on real-world scenarios with Dynamics 365 Sales, Business Central and others.

The Smarter Business Experience Room, is a Microsoft Dynamics 365 -themed half-day Customer Immersion Experience (CIE) session targeted to mid and large sized organization leadership teams held at the Innofactor Offices in Stockholm, Sweden or Espoo, Finland.

It is a unique concept to present how an integrated cloud-based business solution enables digital transformation in a modern and engaging way.

During the session, the customer leadership team gets to solve exciting real-life business scenarios using a fully integrated cloud solution environment powered by Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Teams and LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

Innofactor's and Microsoft's experts guide the audience through the session providing key insights and sharing best-practices.

At a glance