Dynamics 365 for Non-Profits: 2-Hr Briefing

Incremental Group

Not for profits Dynamics 365 briefing

Not for profits are operating in an increasingly challenging space. In the 21st century, nonprofits must adopt and embrace digital transformation to stay relevant and further their cause.

Digital technology is transforming the sector and how organisations are managing their relationships with volunteers, donors and members. Digital transformation is an opportunity for nonprofits to reinvent how they can best deliver their vision and mission.

Our services: When you choose Incremental, you get a Microsoft Dynamics 365 partner and not for profit specialist who truly understands the pressures you have and the importance of project success.

Incremental offers a range of Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Office 365 applications, as well as data services, providing implementations and support for nonprofit organisations. Our expertise thrives in the field of building and implementing CRM, user portals and case management solutions.

Our experience working with the sector has made Incremental an expert in ensuring your project stays within budget and that your internal skills and resources are up to speed. We can help you navigate Microsoft requirements and access the discounts and incentives available to nonprofits in the UK.

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