Field Service-Smart Technician - 2 Hr Workshop

Hexaware Technologies

Hexaware’s Field360 Smart Technician, built on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service, is a modular service offering designed to boost field technicians’ productivity to deliver significant improvements

Field360 Smart Technician incorporates next-gen technologies such as state-of-the-art head-mounted device (HMD) technology including Microsoft HoloLens, Extended Reality (AR / VR / MR), and AI to provide remote assistance, intuitive self-service capabilities, knowledge management and virtual training through a voice-gesture-chat bot interface.

Hexaware provides a free workshop involving a mutual assessment of your field service workforce productivity to arrive at a strategic plan and modernization roadmap.

Workshop Approach:

  • Identification of key stakeholder touchpoints (technicians, service managers, customers) and their journeys across products, services, and locations

  • Understanding of field service processes’ current positioning on various performance metrics

  • Analysis of gaps (as-is vs to-be state) leveraging Hexaware’s proprietary Field360 Maturity Framework

  • Identification of opportunity areas, and potential benefits (cost savings and ROI) from technology led transformation

  • Prioritization of opportunities and finalization of strategic roadmap

The Field360 Smart Technician module can serve as a complement to the Field360 Standard module and can be further enhanced in terms of asset/ equipment monitoring capabilities by deploying the Field360 Asset Intelligence module.

Reimagine your field service processes through a new lens. Reach out to us today to know more.

At a glance