HCL Biz Apps - Dynamics 365 for Sales Capability - 1 hour Briefing

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It’s time to embrace a new way of thinking about the sales process and client relationships!

With Dynamics 365 Sales, you get features and functionality that go beyond traditional sales force automation and CRM, to help you understand your customers and their needs better. Resulting in more deals won and more engaged customers for the duration of the relationship.

The platform for transforming sales within your organization

  • Artificial Intelligence - Sell smarter with a platform that guides you through the sales cycle with built-in intelligence capabilities.
  • Engage Better -Strengthen business relationships by leveraging tools like LinkedIn Sales Navigator to create authentic brand engagement.
  • Increase Productivity - A boost in productivity is a boost in revenue. Bring your existing business processes into a system connected to Office 365 and LinkedIn data for a succinct sales cycle.
  • Sales Acceleration - Do more with your data by utilizing analytics dashboards that give visibility into forecasting for the future and setting team goals.
  • Innovate and Adapt - Dynamics 365 Sales allows your organization to build custom solutions that unique address your business needs while embracing the technologies of the future.

Here at HCL, we are a leading partner in this space, having delivered many Dynamics Sales implementations - we maintain over 50 customer references in this space. Not only do we deliver great Sales projects, but we have also built IP to support and extend the capabilities within Dynamics 365 for Sales. Lastly we focus heavily on education and training to help prepare organizations for change in behaviors, processes and technology by developing user engagement strategies to drive successful usage and adoption

At a glance