AgriERP Solution for Agri Firms: 1-Hr Briefing

Folio3 Software Inc.,

A complete tour from farm to fork of the AgriERP Solution, for AgriBusiness, powered by Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain.

Get a free 1-hour briefing on AgriERP, an end-to-end Farm, and Agri-Business Management solution built on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain.

The main aim of Folio3 is to create a strong amalgamation between agriculture and agribusiness. With a dedicated and highly skilled team comprising of Microsoft certified professionals, we have managed to implement hundreds of ERP solutions successfully around the globe.  


The AgriERP solution provides real-time data access to monitor and track the crop planning, harvesting. packaging, logistics, and sales, all from one platform. Simplify the task management process with the AgriERP by automating all business functions.


This overview explains how AgriERP is an all-encompassing solution for an AgriBusiness. The features we will walk you through include:

  1. Characteristics, functions, and capabilities of AgriERP
  2. Mobility solutions provided by AgriERP
  3. Showcase the various integration options and the apps that are a part of AgriERP

Salient Features to be discussed are:

  1. Farm and Field Structure Mapping
  2. Farm Planning Process
  3. Farm Operations and Execution Process
  4. Farm Tracking and Control Process
  5. Farm Supply Chain
  6. Farm Packhorse
  7. Farm Logistics
  8. Farm Operational Reporting
  9. Farm Tracking Reports
  10. Farm Financial Reporting


For more details, visit: ERP for AgriBusiness


At a glance