Flintfox’s Intelligent Pricing Platform – Business Assessment 4-Hr Workshop

Flintfox International Limited

*Margin Management in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations - solving pricing, rebate, and commissions challenges for supply chain enterprises (distributors, manufacturers and retailers). *

This Workshop focuses upon the pathways to becoming more competitive through improved margin management. Vendor rebates, commissions, and pricing continue to be a challenge for distributors, manufacturers and retailers. With the growing number of products and the introduction of online stores, the best price at the right margin needs to be offered to stay ahead of competitors.

The optimization of trade-related activities to achieve profitable growth, involves both the selling and the buying sides of a business.

Today, do you optimize the following?

Create and control supplier and customer trade agreements to capture deal specifics Plan trade promotions and set them live Build rebate programs to encourage volume sales of specific products Pay commissions or settle short-paid invoices automatically


In this Workshop, we will cover six challenges that distributors, manufacturers and retailers typically face:

Challenge #1: Tracking and claiming periodic vendor rebates Challenge #2: Price management with rapidly changing purchase prices Challenge #3: Retaining margin control Challenge #4: Accurately managing and calculating gross-profit based commissions Challenge #5: One-off purchases or specials being costed at time of sale Challenge #6: Managing your customer rebate programs efficiently

At the conclusion of this Workshop we offer an additional Proof of Concept assessment of how Flintfox’s intelligent pricing platform will work, using your data and requirements. This optional POC assessment is a two-day engagement, where we identify business scenarios, obtain your sample data, and configure Flintfox with your processes and data. We will also conduct a presentation of how you can use Flintfox Intelligent Pricing Platform to manage your margin management processes.

At a glance