A zero-cost proof of concept for enterprise businesses looking to adopt Teams Calling
If you have invested in rolling our Microsoft Teams in your enterprise business, FITTS and our select partners will deliver a proof of concept for you to show how Teams calling can bring a phone line to your teams interface. We will provision up to 20 of your enterprise employees with a teams calling telephone number for a period of 30 days. We will work with you to explore the full range of features - enabling you and your business to plan your pathway to Teams Calling. Included in this proof of concept is a cost analyser - showing how much you could have saved using our teams calling service vs. your current telephony spend. At the end of this service; you will know if Teams Calling will work for your business needs, you will have confidence in the cost vs. benefits needed to create a business case and finally we will provide you with a technical roadmap for next steps on Teams Calling.