3 day Workshop: Definition of the Governance Model in the development of low code Applications with the Microsoft Power Apps family
3 day Workshop: Definition of the Governance Model in the development of low code Applications with the Microsoft Power Apps family & Power Automate platform
Increasingly, the concept of "citizen developer" is being promoted to speed up the digitization of processes and obtain solutions that make these organizations efficient in all aspects. The Microsoft Power Platform is the best tool to carry out this challenge. With this scenario, it is necessary to establish a framework that manages to combine the optimal conditions so that speed is not synonymous with lack of control and lack of organization. To this end, it is proposed to establish a government model that achieves the following objectives 1.- Establish a balanced tandem between the agile development platform and the process digitization needs 2.- Establish a set of policies, roles, responsibilities and processes that control how business units and IT teams collaborate and use Power Platform tools 3.- Establish the appropriate security measures for proper data processing. 4.- Have the necessary development tools and information available when carrying out implementations. 5.- Monitoring and control measures that ensure correct implementation under the agreed standards.
The objective of this Workshop is to establish the bases for the implementation of a Government Model in the development of Lowcode applications on the Microsoft platform: Power Apps Platform and Power Automate.
Contents : Day 1.- As is: Validation of the commercial objectives and strategies of the Client in the adoption of Low Code development. Preparation of a strategic document with the business objectives, work areas and affected domains.
Day 2.- Definition of the TO-BE model, with a roadmap of initiatives (including people, processes and technology) and its associated business case for the implementation of the Power Automate platform
Day 3.-Definition of implementation initiatives Governance model in the Power Platform adoption strategy