Contract, Security and Modern Workplace Assessment

Euvic Solutions S.A.

Full Microsoft 365 workplace assessment including contract and license management, security and effectiveness technology usage.

Analysis of organization’s security posture, evaluating vulnerabilities, identity, and compliance risks with remediation recommendations. Focuses on migrating and implementing a Microsoft 365 usage strategy. Helps customer to optimize licenses, to move forward with subscription levels and implement more Microsoft 365 Services into remote work. Delivers full detailed report on security posture for customer workplace and map security and compliance settings to the customer's industry regulation needs. As a result customer will buy more optimized licenses for the roles, implement higher security and increase compliance of services usage. Report insights will help customer better prepare the hybrid work environment, increase data control in the geographically dispersed teams and improve work effectiveness. Offering has 3 parts: Contract Optimization Assessment - provides a complete view of current Microsoft deployments with recommendations for the right contract licensing to support customers’ business strategy. Deliverables include insights from legacy systems and software licensing, guidance on how to best use current technology, and instructions on how to make licensing decisions to fit your customers' needs. The aim is to maximize our customers' technology investments to support their organizations' innovation and growth. Cybersecurity Assessment - helps customer identify areas of potential risk with the cybersecurity programs. The end result of this assessment will provide customers with a comprehensive look at their cybersecurity infrastructure, including current software deployment and usage, and deliver key insights to help them establish the right processes for cyber-risk reduction in the cloud. Workplace Modernization Assessment - helps customers simplify cloud adoption and reduce risk. It provides customers visibility into desktop and on-premise environments while helping them improve end user productivity. Deliverables include a cloud roadmap that highlights prioritized business applications for transition.

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