Teams Calling: 2HRS Proof of Concept


Teams training and configuration support with Teams Phone system and LMS capabilities for Education Institutions

Edu-Tech Calling for Teams services covers the deployment of a proof of concept and management training for Microsoft 365 phone system, tailored to the needs of your school.

The necessity of having an Intelligent Digital Workplace or classroom goes far beyond a set of unconnected tools. To truly unlock intelligent performance, enhance productivity and maximize employee/student satisfaction, Intelligent Collaboration is the key to success.

Edu-Tech delivers Integrated Collaboration – Microsoft Teams as a baseline with some Microsoft phone system magic on top. Extending the basic Teams configuration with Microsoft Insights, School Data Sync and Microsoft Reflect, we help schools get digital deep learning capabilities.

With experience gained from multiple customers in the field, Teams with calling integration provides unique experiences for inclusive and efficient school collaboration. From voice/video communications to advanced remote learning experiences, group wide information discoverability and beyond. Parental contact with teacher's trough regular phone dial-in meetings or organizing class meetings for discussing the student progress, all is possible with Microsoft Teams.

How does it work? Over the course of multiple meetings, we will work with you to digitally transform your school with MS Teams. First, we will go through some of the possibilities to give you an idea of the possibilities and opportunities. Next, we will analyze your needs and create an action plan tailored specifically to your school. We support you both during and after the deployment, provision all the necessary licenses, and provide you with all the relevant training for management and end users.

Please get in touch with us to get more information about our offerings and pricing.

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